
Monday 3 November 2014


Wau bulan is an intricately designed Malaysian moon-kite (normally with floral motifs) that is traditionally flown by men in the Malaysian state of Kelantan. It's one of Malaysia's national symbols, along some others being the kris and hibiscus. The logo of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is based on this kite.There are many type of wau in Malaysia. Each with its own speciality.Wau kucing(cat kite) and wau merak(peacock kite) are some of them.

Unique to the east coast state of Kelantan, these waus or giant flying kites are often as big as a man, measuring about 3.5 metres from head to tail. It is the largest kite around and is capable of soaring to great heights. Not surprisingly, kite-flying here is a sport for men as some kites require at least two grown up men to handle. Most of the patterns are based on local flora and fauna like birds, animals and flowers.

It usually fitted with a stringed bow which emits a soft, wailing sound when flown. Each kite is lavishly pasted with colorful designs and a work of art in it its own right. Kites are flown throughout the year but especially after the full moon harvest.

Indeed, so remarkable is the Wau Bulan that the national carrier, the Malaysian Airline System, has chosen it as its logo, symbolising controlled flight.


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