
Saturday 13 December 2014


The folk songs sung during the state of the arts festival, the culture and customs are:

Tu Bulan tu Bintang

Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Di mana tuan hilang
Di dapur atas para
Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Mengapa tuan datang
Nak jengok anak dara
Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Siapa tukang bilang
Mak nenek sudah tua
Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Mengapa tuan halang
Dah suka sama suka
Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Tu dia sudah datang
Dengan lenggang bergaya
Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Nak main tumbuk kalang
Buat tungku hidup bara
Tu bulan tu bintang
Tu pucuk kayu ara
Berlagu dan membilang
Ada berbagai cara


This song is sung simultaneously with the action of a game among children.Games will be undertaken able to forge a sense of camaraderie, harmony and departharmonization among them. This game uses both hands.There are allusions in this song. The third copy example shows people who do not checking the work will be in vain. While those who do not want will try to use all the opportunities that simple. "Where is bent wood, at theres the ape (kera) scaling ". Often members of such a society obsessed personal or yourself. "People of this age, the heart are hard".


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